Funny Witch jokes - Page 4

Witch jokes

How can you make a witch itch?…

22 Sep , 2015  

How can you make a witch itch? Take away her “W.”

Witch jokes

What does a witch enjoy cookin…

22 Sep , 2015  

What does a witch enjoy cooking most?Gnomelettes.

Witch jokes

Have you heard about the goodw…

22 Sep , 2015  

Have you heard about the goodweather witch? She’s forecasting sunny spells.

Witch jokes

Why was the student witch so b…

22 Sep , 2015  

Why was the student witch so bad at essays? Because she couldn’t spell properly.

Witch jokes

What’s the favorite subject of…

22 Sep , 2015  

What’s the favorite subject of young witches at school? Spelling.

Witch jokes

What happens if you see twin w…

22 Sep , 2015  

What happens if you see twin witches? You won’t be able to tell witch witch is witch.

Witch jokes

How do witches lose weight? Th…

22 Sep , 2015  

How do witches lose weight? They join weight witches.

Witch jokes

What has handles and flies? A …

22 Sep , 2015  

What has handles and flies? A witch in a garbage can.

Witch jokes

What did the doctor say to the…

22 Sep , 2015  

What did the doctor say to the witch in hospital? With any luck you’ll be able to get up for a spell.

Witch jokes

Why does a witch wear a pointe…

22 Sep , 2015  

Why does a witch wear a pointed black hat? To keep her head warm.

Witch jokes

Old witch: Now I know you want…

22 Sep , 2015  

Old witch: Now I know you want a job with me. Do you tell lies? Young witch: No, but I can pick it up.

Witch jokes

What do you call a witch who k…

22 Sep , 2015  

What do you call a witch who kills her mother and father? An orphan.