Q: How many Waiters does it take to change a light bulb? A: None, even a burned out bulb can’t catch a waiters eye
Waiter, there is a fly in my soup !Hold on sir, I’ll get the fly spray !
“Waiter ! Have you got frogs’ legs ? ” “No, sir, I always walk this way”
Waiter, I can’t eat this meat, it’s crawling with maggots !Quick, run to the other end of the table and grab it as it goes by !
Waiter, Waiter there’s a fly in my ice-cream !Gee I did not know that they had started winter sports so early in the year !
Waiter, what is this cockroach doing on my ice cream sundae ?Skiing sir !
Waiter, there is a fly in my bean soup !Don’t worry sir I’ll fish him out and exchange it for a bean !
Waiter, what is this creepy-crawly doing in my salad?Not him again, he’s in here every night !
Waiter, there is a cockroach on my steak !They don’t seem to care what they eat do they sir !
Waiter, what’s this bug doing waltzing around my table !It’s the band, sir, they are playing his tune !