What do you get if you cross a skunk and an owl?A bird that stinks but doesn’t give a hoot!
What happened to the skunk who failed his swimming lesson?He stank to the bottom of the pool!
A skunk family had two little skunks they called In and Out. One day little In disappeared. Mother Skunk, Father Skunk and young Out spent hours looking for him, getting more worried all the time. In the end the parents went home to have a cup of tea, but Out said he’d continue searching for […]
What do reindeer say before telling you a joke ?This one will sleigh you !
Why is a reindeer like a gossip ?Because they are both tail bearers !
What do you get if you cross a skunk and a wasp?Something that stinks and stings!
How would you get four reindeer in a car?Two in the front and two in the back!And how do you get four polar bears in a car?Take the reindeer out first
How are skunks able to avoid danger?By using their instinks and common scents!
What’s the difference between a reindeer and a snowball?They’re both brown, except the snowball.
What do you get if you cross a skunk and a cartoon penguin?Pingu-Pong!