Funny Vampire jokes - Page 8

Vampire jokes

What do vampire footballers ha…

25 Feb , 2014  

What do vampire footballers have at half-time?Blood oranges.

Vampire jokes

Why did the vampire take up ac…

25 Feb , 2014  

Why did the vampire take up acting? It was in his blood.

Vampire jokes

Who plays center forward for t…

25 Feb , 2014  

Who plays center forward for the vampire football team? The ghoulscorer.

Vampire jokes

Which vampire ate the three be…

25 Feb , 2014  

Which vampire ate the three bears’ porridge? Ghouldilocks.

Vampire jokes

Why did the vampire attack the…

8 Jul , 2009  

Why did the vampire attack the clown? He wanted the circus to be in his blood.

Vampire jokes

Did you hear about the vampire…

8 Jul , 2009  

Did you hear about the vampire who had an eye for the ladies? He used to keep it in his back pocket.

Vampire jokes

What is Dracula’s favorite fru…

8 Jul , 2009  

What is Dracula’s favorite fruit? Neck-tarines.

Vampire jokes

When the picture of the vampir…

8 Jul , 2009  

When the picture of the vampire’s grandmother crashed to the floor in the middle of the night what did it mean? That the nail had come out of the wall.

Vampire jokes

What is a vampire’s favourite …

8 Jul , 2009  

What is a vampire’s favourite soup ?Scream of mushroom !