One day a man met three beggars. To the first he gave a dime, to the second a dime, and to the third a nickel. What time was it?A quarter to three.
Why is the time in the USA behind that of England ?Because England was discovered before the USA !
Why did the kid put his clock in the oven.He wanted to have a hot time.
Why did the man put a clock under his desk?He wanted to work overtime.
The proud owner of an impressive new clock was showing it off to a friend. ‘This clock,’ he said, ‘will go for 14 days without winding.’ ‘Really?’ replied his friend, ‘And how long will it go if you do wind it ?’
Why did your sister shoot the alarm clock ?Because she felt like killing time.
Julie: What time is it?Counsellor: Three o’clock.Julie: Oh,no!Counsellor: What’s the matter?Julie: I’ve been asking the time all day. And everybody gives me a different answer!
What kind of watch is best for people who don’t like time on their hands? A pocket watch.
That boy is so dirty, the only time he washes his ears is when he eats watermelon.