Teacher: Why are you picking your nose in class ?Pupil: My mother won’t let me do it at home !
Teacher : Why are you reading the last pages of your history book first ?Pupil: I want to know how it ends !
Teacher: If you have five haystacks in one corner, five in another and two in another, how many would you have ?Pupil: One big haystack !
Teacher: What can we do to stop polluting our waters ?Pupil: Stop taking baths ?
Teacher : Tommy you try my patience !Tommy: No, teacher you had better try mine. There’s more of it !
Teacher: This note from your father looks like your handwriting ?Pupil: Well, yes, he borrowed my pen !
Teacher : Would you at the back of the room stop passing notes.Pupil : We’re not passing notes. We’re playing cards !
Are you in the top half of your class ?No, I’m one of the students who make the top half possible !
Teacher : Why are you the only child in the classroom today ?Pupil : Because I was the only one who didn’t have school dinners yesterday !
Father: Well Son, how are your exam results ?Son: They’re under waterFather: What do you mean ?Son: Below “C” level !
Teacher : In the exam you will be allowed 30 minutes for each question.Pupil : How long for the answer sir !