On the steps of this church two pan handlers were doing their dailybusiness. One wore a large cross on his chest and the other – a starof David. Of course, most of the church goers generously gave to thecross wearer and the other was overlooked.Finally the Pastor approached the Jew and suggested that if he […]
After church on Sunday morning, a young boy suddenly announced to his mother, “Mom, I’ve decided I’m going to be a minister when I grow up. “That’s okay with us,” the mother said, “But what made you decide to be a minister?” “Well,” the boy replied, “I’ll have to go to church on Sunday anyway, […]
A pious man who had reached the age of 105 suddenly stopped going to synagogue. Alarmed by the old fellow’s absence after so many years of faithful attendance the Rabbi went to see him. He found him in excellent health, so the Rabbi asked, “How come after all these years we don’t see you at […]
The Pope took a philosophy professor (an atheist at that) out fishing ona large lake. As they drifted on the still lake, the philosopheraccidentally dropped an oar and watched it float away. The pontiffstepped out of the boat, walked across the water to the oar, grabbed itand walked back to the boat. The next day […]
What do you get when you cross Holy Water with castor oil?A religious movement!
A Rabbi and a Priest were sitting together on a train, and the Rabbileans over and asks, “So how high can you advance in your organization?”The Priest says “If I am lucky, I guess I could become a Bishop.””Well, could you get any higher than that?” asks the Rabbi.”I suppose that if my works are […]
A man is struck by a bus on a busy street in in New York City.He lies dying on the sidewalk as a crowd of spectators gathers around.”A priest. Somebody get me a priest!” the man gasps. A policemanchecks the crowd—-no priest, no minister, no man of God of any kind.”A PRIEST, PLEASE!” the dying […]
Did you hear about that guy who was asked to be a Jehovah’s witness? – He refused becuase he hadn’t seen the accident.
A lawyer and the pope were both killed in an accident.The two were in line to see St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.St. Peter asked the lawyer his name and looked it up inhis book. He then asked the Pope for his name, and lookedit up in his book also. “Now, if you will come […]
Moses, Jesus and an old man are golfing. Moses steps up tothe tee and hits the ball. It goes sailing over the fairway and landsin the water trap. Moses parts the water and chips the ball onto thegreen.Jesus steps up to the tee and hits the ball. It goes sailing over thefairway and lands in […]
A Jewish lady named Mrs. Rosenberg who many years ago wasstranded late one night at a fashionable resort – one that didnot admit Jews.The desk clerk looked down at his book and said, “Sorry, noroom. The hotel is full.” The Jewish lady said, “But yoursign says that you have vacancies.” The desk clerkstammered and then […]
There’s this old priest who got sick of all the people in his parishwho kept confessing to adultery. One Sunday, in the pulpit, he said,”If I hear one more person confess to adultery, I’ll quit!” Well, everyone liked him, so they came up with a code word. Someonewho had committed adultery would say they had […]