Funny Religious jokes - Page 3

Religious jokes

A priest was vested in his sur…

5 Jan , 2014  

A priest was vested in his surplus and cassock ready to process at the beginning of the service. His surplus was very ornate and he was swinging the incense pot which had smoke coming from it. A lady touched him on the shoulder and said, “Darling, I love your dress; but your purse is on […]

Religious jokes

Seymour was a good and pious m…

5 Jan , 2014  

Seymour was a good and pious man, and when he passed away, the Lord himself greeted him at the pearly gates of heaven. “Hungry, Seymour?” the Lord asked.”I could eat,” said Seymour.The Lord opened a can of tuna, and they shared it.While eating this humble meal, Seymour looked down into Hell and noticed the inhabitants […]

Religious jokes

Before performing a baptism, t…

5 Jan , 2014  

Before performing a baptism, the priest approached the young father and said solemnly, “Baptism is a serious step. Are you prepared for it?””I think so,” the man replied. “My wife has made appetizers and we have a caterer coming to provide plenty of cookies and cakes for all of our guests.””I don’t mean that,” the […]

Religious jokes

This fundamentalist Christian …

5 Jan , 2014  

This fundamentalist Christian couple felt it important to own an equallyfundamentally Christian pet. So, they went shopping.At a kennel specializing in this particular breed, they found a dog theyliked quite a lot. When they asked the dog to fetch the Bible, he did it in a flash. When they instructed him to look up Psalm […]

Religious jokes

A little boy was learning abou…

5 Jan , 2014  

A little boy was learning about God in his church, and he was talking to his mother about it. She, not wanting to place prejudice in the little boy’s mind, sat him and said: “God is not a man or a woman, and God is not black or white.”To which the child responded, “Well, then […]

Religious jokes

Johnny is walking along and a …

5 Jan , 2014  

Johnny is walking along and a priest is coming the other way. Johnny says, “Hey, mister, why are you wearing your collar backwards?”The priest says, “Because I’m a father.”Johnny says, “Yeah? Well, my old man’s got three kids and he don’t wear his collar backwards.”The priest says “You don’t understand, son. I have thousands of […]

Religious jokes

A man walked into a gift shop …

5 Jan , 2014  

A man walked into a gift shop that sold religious items. Nearthe cash register he saw a display of caps with “WWJD”printed on all of them. He was puzzled over what the letterscould mean, but couldn’t figure it out, so he asked the clerk.The clerk replied that the letters stood for “What Would JesusDo”, and […]

Religious jokes

Is there a God?A billion Hindu…

5 Jan , 2014  

Is there a God?A billion Hindus can’t be wrong.

Religious jokes

What is the meaning of life?Al…

5 Jan , 2014  

What is the meaning of life?All evidence to date suggests it’s chocolate.

Religious jokes

What language do the Vatican P…

5 Jan , 2014  

What language do the Vatican Police speak?Pig Latin!

Religious jokes

And Jesus said unto his discip…

5 Jan , 2014  

And Jesus said unto his disciples, “Whom do men say that I am?”And His disciples answered unto Him, “Master, thou art the supreme eschatological manifestation of omnipotent ecclesiastical authority, the absolute, divine, sacerdotal monarch.”And Jesus said, “What?”

Religious jokes

Two nuns were driving alone ou…

5 Jan , 2014  

Two nuns were driving alone out in the boonies. They ran out of gas. Fortunately they could walk to a gas station not far away, where they asked to purchase a can of gasoline. “I’m sorry, sister,” said the attendant, “but all I have for you to carry it in is an old chamberpot. The […]