Funny Letter jokes - Page 2

Letter jokes

What letter should you avoid?T…

18 Oct , 2011  

What letter should you avoid?The letter A because it makes men mean.

Letter jokes

What 8-letter word has one let…

18 Oct , 2011  

What 8-letter word has one letter in it?Envelope.

Letter jokes

What letter stands for the oce…

18 Oct , 2011  

What letter stands for the ocean?The letter C.

Letter jokes

Did you hear about the sister …

18 Oct , 2011  

Did you hear about the sister who wrote herself a letter and forgot to sign it and when it arrived she didn’t know who it was from.

Letter jokes

Josh sent a letter to his folk…

18 Oct , 2011  

Josh sent a letter to his folks. He told about a ten-mile hike he had taken.His father wrote back saying, ‘In my day I thought nothing of walking ten miles.’Josh wrote back, ‘To tell the truth, I didn’t think much of it either.

Letter jokes

What does an envelope say when…

18 Oct , 2011  

What does an envelope say when you lick it?Nothing. It just shuts up.

Letter jokes

Why do postmen carry letters?B…

18 Oct , 2011  

Why do postmen carry letters?Because the letters can’t go anywhere by themselves.

Letter jokes

What letter is like a vegetabl…

18 Oct , 2011  

What letter is like a vegetable?The letter P.

Letter jokes

What girl’s name is like a let…

18 Oct , 2011  

What girl’s name is like a letter?Kay (K).

Letter jokes

When is a letter damp?When it …

18 Oct , 2011  

When is a letter damp?When it has postage due (dew).

Letter jokes

Where do you put letters to bo…

18 Oct , 2011  

Where do you put letters to boys?In a mail (male) box.

Letter jokes

What word grows smaller when y…

18 Oct , 2011  

What word grows smaller when you add two letters to it?Add “er” to short and it becomes shorter.