Funny Lawyer jokes - Page 2

Lawyer jokes

A doctor was vacationing at th…

18 Oct , 2011  

A doctor was vacationing at the seashore with his family. Suddenly, he spotted a fin sticking up in the water and fainted.”Darling, it was just a shark,” said his wife when he came to. “You’ve got to stop imagining that there are lawyers everywhere.”

Lawyer jokes

How many lawyers does it take …

18 Oct , 2011  

How many lawyers does it take to change a lightbulb?None, they’d rather keep their clients in the dark.

Lawyer jokes

Lawyer: “Let me give you my ho…

18 Oct , 2011  

Lawyer: “Let me give you my honest opinion.”Client: “No, no. I’m paying for professional advice.”

Lawyer jokes

How can you tell a lawyer is l…

18 Oct , 2011  

How can you tell a lawyer is lying?Other lawyers look interested.

Lawyer jokes

You’re trapped in a room with …

18 Oct , 2011  

You’re trapped in a room with a tiger, a rattlesnake and a lawyer. You have a gun with two bullets. What should you do?You shoot the lawyer. Twice.

Lawyer jokes

In the construction field, it …

5 Aug , 2011  

In the construction field, it is often noted that lawyers make the worst clients. However, a couple of years ago I met an old carpenter that said lawyers were always his favorite clients! When I asked him why he got so much pleasure out of having lawyers as clients he replied, “I only build coffins […]

Lawyer jokes

What’s the difference between …

5 Aug , 2011  

What’s the difference between a lawyer and an onion?You cry when you cut up an onion.

Lawyer jokes

Why is it dangerous for a lawy…

5 Aug , 2011  

Why is it dangerous for a lawyer to walk onto a construction site when plumbers are working?Because they might connect the drain line to the wrong suer.

Lawyer jokes

Why is it that if you give a c…

5 Aug , 2011  

Why is it that if you give a child an encyclopedia, “lawyer” is always the third thing they look up?Because the first thing a child looks up is “dog.” The second is “snake.” And under snake, the encyclopedia says “See Lawyer.”

Lawyer jokes

Why is it that New Jersey got …

5 Aug , 2011  

Why is it that New Jersey got all the toxic waste dumps and California got all the lawyers?New Jersey had first choice.

Lawyer jokes

If an apple a day keeps the do…

5 Aug , 2011  

If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, how many orchards does it take for a lawyer?

Lawyer jokes

If I had but one life to give …

5 Aug , 2011  

If I had but one life to give for my country, it would be a lawyer’s.