Knock Knock jokes
5 Aug , 2011
Knock KnockWho’s there !Aramis !Aramis who ?Aramis’tery !
Knock KnockWho’s there !Arbus !Arbus who ?Arbus leaves in 5 minutes ?
Knock KnockWho’s there !Aretha !Aretha who ?Aretha flowers !
Knock KnockWho’s there !Arfur !Arfur who ?Arfur got !
Knock KnockWho’s there !Argo !Argo who ?Argo down to the beach for my holidays
Knock KnockWho’s there !Argo !Argo who ?Argo down the shops ! Kn
Knock KnockWho’s there !Anthea !Anthea who ?Anthea get home by 8 O’clock, or else !
Knock KnockWho’s there !Anthem !Anthem who ?You Anthem devil you !
Knock KnockWho’s there !Anthony !Anthony who !Anthony you want !
Knock KnockWho’s there !Anya !Anya who ?Anya best behavior !
Knock KnockWho’s there !Apollo !Apollo who ?Apollogize !
Knock KnockWho’s there !Apple !Apple who ?Apple the door myself!