What should you do if you are on a picnic with King Kong? Give him the biggest bananas.
What do you do if you fiend King Kong in the kitchen? Just don’t monkey with him.
Why is King Kong big and hairy? So you can tell him apart from a gooseberry.
Why did King Kong paint the bottoms of his feet brown? So that he could hide upside down in a jar of peanut butter.
What’s big and hairy and climbs up the Empire State Building in a dress? Queen Kong.
How can you mend King Kong’s arm if he’s twisted it?With a monkey wrench.
If King Kong went to Hong Kong to play ping-gong and died, what would they put on his coffin? A lid.
What is as big as King Kong but doesn’t weigh anything? King Kong’s shadow.
What do you get if you cross King Kong with a watchdog? A terrified postman.