Funny Insect jokes - Page 2

Insect jokes

Surveyor: This house is a ruin…

3 Mar , 2011  

Surveyor: This house is a ruin. I wonder what stops it from falling down. Owner: I think the woodworm are holding hands.

Insect jokes

How do fireflies start a race?…

3 Mar , 2011  

How do fireflies start a race? Ready, steady, glow!

Insect jokes

What do you get if you cross a…

3 Mar , 2011  

What do you get if you cross a moth with a firefly? An insect that can find its way around a dark closet.

Insect jokes

If a flea and a fly pass each …

3 Mar , 2011  

If a flea and a fly pass each other what time is it? Fly past flea.

Insect jokes

A flea jumped over the swingin…

3 Mar , 2011  

A flea jumped over the swinging doors of a saloon, drank three whiskeys and jumped out again. He picked himself up from the dirt, dusted himself down and said, “OK, who moved my dog?”

Insect jokes

How do you make a moth bawl? H…

3 Mar , 2011  

How do you make a moth bawl? Hit him with a fly swatter.

Insect jokes

What insect lives on nothing? …

3 Mar , 2011  

What insect lives on nothing? A moth, because it eats holes.

Insect jokes

First Caribou: What well-known…

3 Mar , 2011  

First Caribou: What well-known cartoon character do moths like a hole lot?Second Caribou: Micky Moth!

Insect jokes

Boy: What’s the biggest ant in…

3 Mar , 2011  

Boy: What’s the biggest ant in the world? Girl: My AuntBoy: No, it’s an elephant. Girl: You obviously haven’t met my Aunt

Insect jokes

What do you call an ant with f…

3 Mar , 2011  

What do you call an ant with frog’s legs? An antphibian.

Insect jokes

Why don’t anteaters get sick? …

3 Mar , 2011  

Why don’t anteaters get sick? Because they’re full of anty-bodies !

Insect jokes

What do you call a scruffy, la…

3 Mar , 2011  

What do you call a scruffy, lazy ant? Decadant.