Jett was trying to light a match. He struck the first one and it didn’t work, so he threw it away. He struck the second match. That didn’t work either, so he tossed it. Jett struck the third one and it lit up. “That’s a good one!” said the idiot, blowing it out. “Ah’m gonna […]
Four Independence boys, Pugh, Sumter, Kilby and Grayson, were walking down a Clay County road when they came to a high, solid brick wall. Wondering what was behind it, Pugh, Sumter and Kilby boosted Grayson so he could take a look. “Looks like one of them nudist camps,” reported Grayson. “Men or women?” asked Pugh. […]
Titus was on a Knoxville elevator with several other people. As the elevator moved up, he stared at the small fan revolving slowly in the elevator ceiling. “It’s amazing,” he said to the other people, “that such a small fan could lift all these people!”
“How come you’re only watering half your lawn?” a perplexed tourist asked a Richmond resident. “I just heard there was a fifty percent chance of rain.”
Did you hear about the Texan who moved to Oklahoma and raised the IQ level of both states?
Did you hear about the Montana moron who went looking for a gas leak with a safety match?
Did you hear about the Murfreesboro muddlebrain whose father told him about the birds and the bees? The next day, the Tennessean was stung by a bee and thought he was pregnant.
Treadwell walked into a Biloxi stationery store and asked, “Have you got any invisible ink?” “Certainly sir,” said the owner. “What color?”
Did you hear about the Brooklyn bubblebrain who was two hours late for work because the escalator got stuck?
The teacher asked a Louisiana teenager to count to five. The youngster proceeded to count to five on his fingers. Then the teacher asked, “Can you count any higher?” The boy raised his hands over his head and counted to five again.