Funny Idiot and fool jokes - Page 4

Idiot and fool jokes

Izzard went into a Baltimore b…

17 Nov , 2010  

Izzard went into a Baltimore bank to cash his check. Since he didn’t have an account there, the teller asked if he could identify himself. “Sure,” said Izzard. “There a mirror around here?” “There’s one on the wall right beside you,” said the clerk. Izzard took a glance in the mirror and heaved a sigh […]

Idiot and fool jokes

The July temperature in Joplin…

17 Nov , 2010  

The July temperature in Joplin climbed over the one hundred mark. Despite the scorching heat, Bozell was outside painting his house. A passerby stopped for a moment to watch him and then asked, “How cum yer wearin’ two jackets?” ” ‘Cause,” said the redneck, “the directions on the can say ta put on two coats!”

Idiot and fool jokes

Kennen was having a drink in a…

17 Nov , 2010  

Kennen was having a drink in a saloon when his neighbor, Stakely, came rushing in. “Ah think somebody’s stealin’ yore pickup truck!” the man said breathlessly. Kennan ran outside, but came back right away. “Well, did yew stop him?” asked Stakely. “Naw!” said the redneck. “He was too fast. But Ah got his license plate […]

Idiot and fool jokes

During a break on a North Dako…

17 Nov , 2010  

During a break on a North Dakota office building project, one of the construction workers approached Pyle. “Ah heard the boys is gonna strike,” he said. “What fer?” asked Pyle. “Shorter hours.” “Good fer them!” said the redneck. “Ah always did think sixty minutes was too long fer an hour!”

Idiot and fool jokes

Police in Oakland, California …

17 Nov , 2010  

Police in Oakland, California spent two hours attempting to subdue a gunman who had barricaded himself inside his home. After firing ten tear gas canisters, officers discovered that the man was standing beside them, shouting please to come out and give himself up.

Idiot and fool jokes

IRS Agent: What’s all this? Br…

17 Nov , 2010  

IRS Agent: What’s all this? Bracken: Well, you told me to bring all my records with me and I did. Here’s some by Willie Nelson, Tammy Wynette, and Garth Brooks . . .

Idiot and fool jokes

Melburn was strolling along do…

17 Nov , 2010  

Melburn was strolling along downtown Natchez with a framed picture under his arm. “Hey, what yew got there?” asked a neighbor. “I dunno much ’bout art,” replied Melburn, “but Ah just bought me an original Michelangelo for two hundred dollars! It’s one of the few he ever did in ballpoint!”

Idiot and fool jokes

Four Independence boys, Pugh, …

17 Nov , 2010  

Four Independence boys, Pugh, Sumter, Kilby and Grayson, were walking down a Clay County road when they came to a high, solid brick wall. Wondering what was behind it, Pugh, Sumter and Kilby boosted Grayson so he could take a look. “Looks like one of them nudist camps,” reported Grayson. “Men or women?” asked Pugh. […]

Idiot and fool jokes

Titus was on a Knoxville eleva…

17 Nov , 2010  

Titus was on a Knoxville elevator with several other people. As the elevator moved up, he stared at the small fan revolving slowly in the elevator ceiling. “It’s amazing,” he said to the other people, “that such a small fan could lift all these people!”

Idiot and fool jokes

Did you hear about the idiot w…

17 Nov , 2010  

Did you hear about the idiot who planted Cheerios in his backyard? He thought they were donut seeds.

Idiot and fool jokes

Did you hear about the Oklahom…

17 Nov , 2010  

Did you hear about the Oklahoma idiot who married an American Indian? They had a baby and wanted to name it to reflect both races. So they called it Running Dummy.

Idiot and fool jokes

Slim walked into his local pos…

17 Nov , 2010  

Slim walked into his local post office and noticed a new sign on the wall: MAN WANTED FOR ROBBERY IN MONTANA “Gosh!” he said, “If n only that job was in Texas, Ah’d take it!”