Camper: There’s a leak over my bunk!Counselor: Don’t complain. It only leaks when it rains.
Camper: There’s a leak over my bunk!Counselor: Shh! Don’t make such a fuss. Soon everyone will want one.
Camper: There’s a leak over my bunk!Counselor: That’s what we said in the camp ads. Running water in every cabin!
The Counselor was greeting the new campers.’So you decided to come to camp,’ she said to one.’Nope,’ the camper answered. ‘I was sent to camp!’
The Counselor was talking to the campers about safety. She said ‘Don’t climb any trees. If you fall down and break a leg, don’t come running to me!’
The head Counselor gathered all the campers together. To get their attention, the Counselor called out, ‘Order! Order!’In a flash someone shouted out, ‘Hamburger, coke and fries!’
At the end of camp, Julie won the prize for neatest trunk. Her mother was amazed.’How did your trunk get so neat?’ she asked her messy daughter.’It was easy,’ said Julie. ‘I just never unpacked!’
Did you hear the one about the phoney Cupid? He was totally bow-gus!
Why did the kangaroo love the little Australian bear? Because the bear had many fine koala-ties!
“Do you love me more than you love sleep?””I can’t answer now. It’s time for my nap!”