Funny Heaven and hell jokes - Page 3

Heaven and hell jokes

A famous professor of surgery …

13 Jan , 2010  

A famous professor of surgery died and went to heaven. At the pearly gate he was asked by the gatekeeper: ‘Have you ever committed a sin you truly regret?’ ‘Yes,’ the professor ansvered. ‘When I was a young candidate at the hospital of Saint Lucas, we played soccer against at team from the Community Hospital, […]

Heaven and hell jokes

President Clinton died and kno…

13 Jan , 2010  

President Clinton died and knocked at the Pearly Gates. “Who goes there?” inquired St. Peter. “It’s me, Bill Clinton”. “What bad things did you do on earth?” Clinton thought a bit and answered, “Well, I smoked marijuana, but you shouldn’t hold that against me because I didn’t inhale. And I lied, but I didn’t commit […]

Heaven and hell jokes

One day while walking down the…

13 Jan , 2010  

One day while walking down the street a highly successful executive woman was tragically hit by a bus and she died. Her soul arrived up in heaven where she was met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter himself. “Welcome to Heaven,” said St.Peter. “Before you get settled in though, it seems we have a […]

Heaven and hell jokes

Three people die, a Doctor a s…

13 Jan , 2010  

Three people die, a Doctor a school teacher and the head of a large HMO, when met at the pearly gates by St. Peter he asks the Doctor ‘what did you do on Earth?’The Dotor replied, I healed the sick and if they could not pay I would do it for free. St. Peter told […]

Heaven and hell jokes

Two Irish friends greeted each…

13 Jan , 2010  

Two Irish friends greeted each other while waiting their turn at the bank window. “This reminds me of Finnegan,” remarked one. “What about Finnegan?” inquired the other. “‘Tis a story that Finnegan died, and when he greeted St. Peter, he said: ‘It’s a fine job you’ve had here for a long time.’ ‘Well, Finnegan,’ said […]

Heaven and hell jokes

It seems three Irishmen, Sean,…

13 Jan , 2010  

It seems three Irishmen, Sean, Michael and Tim, passed over at the same time. Upon encountering the Pearly Gates, they were met by ST. Patrick himself, and he addressed the boys thusly: “Lads, I’m here to welcome you to heaven where you will spend eternity. Just remember one thing, when you go through these gates, […]

Heaven and hell jokes

One day at the entrance to hea…

13 Jan , 2010  

One day at the entrance to heaven, St. Peter saw a New York street gang.walk up to the Pearly Gates. This being a first, St. Peter ran to God and said, “God,there are some evil, thieving New Yorkers at the Pearly Gates. What do I do?”.God replied, “Just do what you normally do with that […]

Heaven and hell jokes

Did you know that heaven and h…

13 Jan , 2010  

Did you know that heaven and hell are actually right next to each other? They are seperated by a big chain-link fence. Well, one day hell was having a big party and it got a little out of hand. God heard the ruckus and arrived to find his fence completely smashed by the wild partiers. […]

Heaven and hell jokes

Three buddies die in a car cra…

13 Jan , 2010  

Three buddies die in a car crash, and they go to heaven to an orientation.They are all asked, “When you are in your casket and friends and family are mourning upon you, what would you like to hear them say about you? The first guy says, “I would like to hear them say that I […]

Heaven and hell jokes

Three men die in a car acciden…

13 Jan , 2010  

Three men die in a car accident Christmas Eve. They all find themselves at the pearly gates waiting to enter Heaven. On entering they must present something relating or associated with Christmas.The first man searches his pocket, and finds some Mistletoe, so he is allowed in. The second man presents a cracker, so he is […]

Heaven and hell jokes

St. Peter is questioning three…

13 Jan , 2010  

St. Peter is questioning three married couples to see if they qualify for admittance to heaven.”Why do you deserve to pass the Pearly Gates?” he asks one of the men, who had been a butler.”I was a good father,” he answers.”Yes, but you were a drunk all your life. In fact, you were so bad […]

Heaven and hell jokes

This guy dies and is sent to H…

13 Jan , 2010  

This guy dies and is sent to Hell. Satan meets him and shows him the doors to three rooms and says he must choose one of the rooms to spend eternity in.So Satan opens the first door. In the room there are people standing in cow manure up to their necks. The guy says “No, […]