Funny Heaven and hell jokes

Heaven and hell jokes. All you need to know about Heaven and hell jokes. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about Heaven and hell jokes. Read news stories and see / listen to videos. The best funny short Heaven and hell jokes. Favorite jokes and share them with friends. Heaven and hell jokes in english, short jokes, best jokes, clean jokes, free jokes, dirty jokes and good jokes online. A collection of new and old jokes that will put a smile on your face. You can give each joke a star-rating to change the rankings. Funny videos, pictures, galleries andy links..

Heaven and hell jokes

What do you call the queue of …

18 Mar , 2010  

What do you call the queue of Software Engineers standing outside Heaven ? The Y2K deadline !

Heaven and hell jokes

A doctor, an engineer, and a f…

18 Mar , 2010  

A doctor, an engineer, and a fungal taxonomist arrived at The Pearly Gates.The doctor said how he’d healed the sick, helped the lame; but he was a sinner and was sent to Hell.The engineer told how he’d built homes for the homeless, etc.; but he messed up the environment, so he was sent to Hell.The […]

Heaven and hell jokes

Q. Why do only 10% of men make…

18 Mar , 2010  

Q. Why do only 10% of men make it to heaven?A. Because if they all went, it would be Hell.

Heaven and hell jokes

A cattleman from West Texas di…

18 Mar , 2010  

A cattleman from West Texas died & went on to the Great Beyond. As he approached the great gate, he noticed that the terrain was bare with no greenery. He remarked to the gate keeper, “Howdy Saint Peter. Say, this looks just like Texas.””The gatekeeper replied, “First of all, I’m not Saint Peter and second, […]

Heaven and hell jokes

Jay: Does the Bible say that i…

18 Mar , 2010  

Jay: Does the Bible say that if you smoke you can’t get toheaven?Ted: No, but the more you smoke the quicker you’ll get there.

Heaven and hell jokes

Why did the angel lose her job…

18 Mar , 2010  

Why did the angel lose her job? She had harp failure.

Heaven and hell jokes

How do angels greet each other…

18 Mar , 2010  

How do angels greet each other? They say, Halo.

Heaven and hell jokes

An angel in heaven was welcomi…

18 Mar , 2010  

An angel in heaven was welcoming a new arrival. “How did you get here?” he asked. And the new angel replied, “Flu…”

Heaven and hell jokes

A famous professor of surgery …

18 Mar , 2010  

A famous professor of surgery died and went to heaven. At the pearly gate he was asked by the gatekeeper: ‘Have you ever committed a sin you truly regret?’ ‘Yes,’ the professor ansvered. ‘When I was a young candidate at the hospital of Saint Lucas, we played soccer against at team from the Community Hospital, […]

Heaven and hell jokes

St. Peter and Satan were havin…

18 Mar , 2010  

St. Peter and Satan were having an argument one day about baseball. Satan proposed a game to be played on neutral grounds between a select team from the heavenly host and his own hand-picked boys. “Very well,” said the gatekeeper of Heaven. “But you realize, I hope, that we’ve got all the good players and […]

Heaven and hell jokes

In Heaven:The cooks are French…

18 Mar , 2010  

In Heaven:The cooks are French,The policemen are English,The mechanics are German,The lovers are Italian,The bankers are Swiss.In Hell:The cooks are English,The policemen are German,The mechanics are French,The lovers are Swiss,The bankers are Italian.

Heaven and hell jokes

A Director arrives below and i…

18 Mar , 2010  

A Director arrives below and is met by Satan who shows him around. Turns out that Hell is a gigantic movie studio with the latest and best equipment, stages, great actors, etc. Director thinks its great and asks Satan what heaven is like if hell is this good. Satan says heaven is exactly like this, […]