Funny Hair and bald jokes - Page 2

Hair and bald jokes

What do you call a policeman w…

17 Nov , 2009  

What do you call a policeman with blonde hair ?A fair cop !

Hair and bald jokes

What do you get if you cross a…

17 Nov , 2009  

What do you get if you cross a wireless with a hairdresser ?Radio waves !

Hair and bald jokes

What do you get if you cross a…

17 Nov , 2009  

What do you get if you cross a hairdresser and a bucket of cement ?Permanent waves !

Hair and bald jokes

How does a barber make phone c…

17 Nov , 2009  

How does a barber make phone calls? He cuts them short.

Hair and bald jokes

What should you buy if your ha…

17 Nov , 2009  

What should you buy if your hair falls out ?A good vacuum cleaner !

Hair and bald jokes

What do you call a high-priced…

17 Nov , 2009  

What do you call a high-priced barber shop?A clip joint.

Hair and bald jokes

For what person do all men tak…

17 Nov , 2009  

For what person do all men take off their hats?The barber.

Hair and bald jokes

If the Pilgrims came over on t…

17 Nov , 2009  

If the Pilgrims came over on the Mayflower, how did the barbers arrive?On clipper ships.

Hair and bald jokes

How can you avoid falling hair…

17 Nov , 2009  

How can you avoid falling hair?Get out of the way.

Hair and bald jokes

Why was the lady’s hair angry?…

17 Nov , 2009  

Why was the lady’s hair angry?Because she was always teasing it.

Hair and bald jokes

Why did the bald man put a rab…

17 Nov , 2009  

Why did the bald man put a rabbit on his head?Because he wanted a head of hare (hair).

Hair and bald jokes

What do you get if you cross a…

17 Nov , 2009  

What do you get if you cross a hairdresser with a werewolf? A monster with an all-over perm.