Funny Ghost jokes - Page 6

Ghost jokes

What is a ghost boxer called? …

5 Oct , 2009  

What is a ghost boxer called? A phantomweight.

Ghost jokes

Which ghost ate too much porri…

5 Oct , 2009  

Which ghost ate too much porridge? Ghouldilocks.

Ghost jokes

What do you call the ghost who…

5 Oct , 2009  

What do you call the ghost who is a child-rearing expert?Dr Spook.

Ghost jokes

How did the ghost song-and-dan…

11 May , 2009  

How did the ghost song-and-dance act make a living? By appearing in television spooktaculars.

Ghost jokes

What did the papa ghost say to…

11 May , 2009  

What did the papa ghost say to the baby ghost. Fasten your sheet belt.

Ghost jokes

What do you call a ghost that …

11 May , 2009  

What do you call a ghost that stays out all night? Afresh air freak.

Ghost jokes

Why did the ghost go to the fu…

11 May , 2009  

Why did the ghost go to the funfair. He wanted to go on the rollerghoster.

Ghost jokes

Why did the ghost work at Scot…

11 May , 2009  

Why did the ghost work at Scotland Yard? He was the Chief In-Spectre.