My Aunt Maud had so many candles on her last birthday cake that all her party guests got sunburnt !
What’s the fastest cake in the world? Meriiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngue.
Flo: Try some of my sponge cake. Joe: It’s a bit tough. Flo: That’s strange. I only bought the sponge from the chemist this morning.
Girl: Did you like that cake, Mrs Jones? Mrs Jones: Yes, very much. Girl: That’s funny. My mom said you didn’t have any taste.
Fred wrote in her homework book: Margarine is butter made from imitation cows.
Fred! What did I say I’d do if I found you with your fingers in the butter again? That’s funny, Mom. I can’t remember either.
Why can’t you make bread like my mother? I would if you could make dough like your father!
Two flies were on a cornflakes packet. “Why are we running so fast?” asked one. “Because,” said the second, “it says ‘tear along the dotted line’!”
Two flies were on a cornflakes packet. “Why are we running so fast?” asked one. “Because,” said the second, “it says ‘tear along the dotted line’!”
How do you know that a elephant’s been in the fridge? There are foot prints in the butter. “