Q: Two men drive into a car wash. Which one is the Irishman? A: The one on the motorbike.
An insect falls into a mug of beer. English Man: Throws his mug of bear on the floor and walks out. American Man: Takes out the insect and drinks tbe beer. Chinese Man: Eats the insect and throws the beer. Indian Man: Sells the insect to the Chinese and the beer to the Englishman and […]
One night, God spoke to a preacher to tell him what he wanted him to do. After God had briefed him on his mission, the minister decided to ask him a question.”God,” he said, “What is heaven like?” God replied, “Well, normally I don’t tell people this, but since you are my servant, I guess […]
Q: What would you call an Arab who owns a harem of cows? A: A milk sheik!
The Englishman’s, Irishman’s and Scotsman’s wives go shopping one day to a big department store. While they are there a fire breaks out. Everyone in the store is killed, including the three women. Their husbands are summoned to the local police station where a policewoman breaks the news to them: “I’m afraid sirs, that we […]
Q: What’s the slowest thing in the world?A: A Mexican funeral with only two sets of jumper cables.
There were three men working at the top of a building. One was Chinese, one was Mexican, and the other one was Polish. At lunch they went to the edge and the top of the building the Mexican guy pulled out a taco and he said if I get another taco I am gonna jump […]
This small Latino man walks into a bar, sits, and orders a beer. A big man comes in, taps him on his shoulder, and says, “You’re sitting in my seat!” The same Spanish man ignores him and orders another beer. The man again taps him on his shoulder, and tells him he’s sitting in his […]
Q: Did you know they are taking out all the K-Marts in Afghanistan? A: They are putting in TARGETS!!!