E-mail jokes
8 Sep , 2009
How do writers send e-mail?On the Inkernet.
How does James Bond type e-mails?With his goldfinger.
How do whales type e-mails?With their fish fingers.
How do wasps send messages?By bee-mail.
How do skunks like their e-mails?Scent.
How do sheep sign their e-mails?Ewes sincerely.
How do mountainers send messages?By ski-mail.
How do really posh dogs send messages?By predigree-mail.
How do long distance runners send e-mail?On the sprin-ternet.
How do Indian chiefs send messages?By teepee-mail!
How do Italian Chefs swap recipes?By Spaghett-e-mail!
How do dolphins send messages?By sea-mail.