Cow jokes
8 Sep , 2009
Where do Russian cows come from? Moscow!
Where do steers go to dance? To the Meat Ball!
Where do Danish cows come from? Cowpenhagenf
Where do milk shakes come from?Nervous cows!
Where do cows like to live? St. Moo-is.
Where do cows like to ride on trains?In the cow-boose.
Where did the bull carry his stock-market report? In his beef case!
Where did the mooron take the baby cow to eat? To the calf-ateria!
When is a farmer like a magician?When he turns his cow into pasture.
When a bull wants to listen to a cassette, what does he put on his head? Steer phones!
What’s a moo hoo for the sound you hear when a cow spits? A cud thud!
What’s a moo hoo for grazing school? Grass class!