Funny Cow jokes - Page 13

Cow jokes

How did cows feel when the bra…

8 Sep , 2009  

How did cows feel when the branding iron was invented?They were very impressed!

Cow jokes

Does running out of a burning …

8 Sep , 2009  

Does running out of a burning barn make a cow unusual? No, only medium rare!

Cow jokes

Did you hear about the snobby …

8 Sep , 2009  

Did you hear about the snobby cow?She thought she was a cutlet above the rest!

Cow jokes

Did you hear about the farmer …

8 Sep , 2009  

Did you hear about the farmer who lost control of his tractor in the cow pasture? No! Did he hurt the cows? No, he just grazed them!

Cow jokes

A summer visitor asked the far…

8 Sep , 2009  

A summer visitor asked the farmer how long cows should be milked. “Oh, I reckon about the same as short ones!” the farmer answered.

Cow jokes

Cow: Why don’t you shoo those …

8 Sep , 2009  

Cow: Why don’t you shoo those flies? Bull: I’ll let them go barefoot!

Cow jokes

Where does a cow stop to drink…

8 Sep , 2009  

Where does a cow stop to drink? The milky way!

Cow jokes

What does a cow ride when his …

8 Sep , 2009  

What does a cow ride when his car is broken? A COW-asaki MOO-torcycle!

Cow jokes

What animals do you bring to b…

8 Sep , 2009  

What animals do you bring to bed?Your calves.

Cow jokes

Q: What do you call cattle wit…

11 May , 2009  

Q: What do you call cattle with a sense of humor?A: Laughing stock.

Cow jokes

What did the farmer call the c…

11 May , 2009  

What did the farmer call the cow that would not give him any milk ? An udder failure !

Cow jokes

Camper: Look at that bunch of …

11 May , 2009  

Camper: Look at that bunch of cows.Farmer: Not bunch, herd.Camper: Heard what?Farmer: Of cows.Camper: Sure I’ve heard of cows.Farmer: No, I mean a cowherd.Camper: So what? I have no secrets from cows!