JUDY: What did the ghosts say to Santa Claus? MIKE: We’ll have a boo Christmas without you.
Why does Santa’s sled get such good mileage? Because it has long-distance runners on each side.
If Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus had a child, what would he be called? A subordinate claus.
ELF: Santa, one of the reindeer swallowed my pencil! What should I do? SANTA: Use a pen.
Doctor, Doctor, Father Christmas gives us oranges every Christmas. Now I think I’m turning into an orange!Have you tried playing squash?
Who made this Christmas pudding?Our chef. He’s a little green man who lives in a toadstool.What did he use to make it?Elf-raising flour, of course.
Last year’s Christmas pudding was so awful I threw it in the ocean.That’s probably why the ocean’s full of currants!
How do sheep greet each other at Christmas ?A merry Christmas to ewe
What does Dracula write on his Christmas cards ?Best vicious of the season
Father Christmas: I thought I asked you to go out there and clear the snow!I’m on my way, Father Christmas.Father Christmas: But you only have one welly on!That’s all right! There’s only one foot of snow!