Funny Bird jokes - Page 2

Bird jokes

Two owls were playing pool. On…

7 Sep , 2009  

Two owls were playing pool. One said, “Two hits.” The other replied, “Two hits to who?”

Bird jokes

What do Scottish owls sing? Ow…

7 Sep , 2009  

What do Scottish owls sing? Owld Lang Syne.

Bird jokes

What did the scornful owl say?…

7 Sep , 2009  

What did the scornful owl say? Twit twoo.

Bird jokes

What did the baby owl’s parent…

7 Sep , 2009  

What did the baby owl’s parents say when he wanted to go to a party? You’re not owld enough.

Bird jokes

What do you get if you cross a…

7 Sep , 2009  

What do you get if you cross an eagle with a skunk? A bird that stinks to high heaven.

Bird jokes

What does an educated owl say?…

7 Sep , 2009  

What does an educated owl say?Whom.

Bird jokes

What do confused owls say? Too…

7 Sep , 2009  

What do confused owls say? Too-whit-to-why?

Bird jokes

How do you make a tame duck wi…

7 Sep , 2009  

How do you make a tame duck wild? Annoy it.

Bird jokes

Why were the hens lying on the…

7 Sep , 2009  

Why were the hens lying on their backs with their legs in the air ? Because eggs were going up !

Bird jokes

Why does a rooster watch TV ? …

7 Sep , 2009  

Why does a rooster watch TV ? For hentertainment !

Bird jokes

What happens when geese land i…

7 Sep , 2009  

What happens when geese land in a volcano ? They cook their own gooses !

Bird jokes

What do you get if you cross a…

7 Sep , 2009  

What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cement mixer ? A brick-layer !