Funny Bed jokes - Page 3

Bed jokes

Why did the girl put her bed i…

23 Aug , 2009  

Why did the girl put her bed in the fireplace? Because she wanted to sleep like a log.

Bed jokes

A neighbour bumped into Jenny …

23 Aug , 2009  

A neighbour bumped into Jenny playing outside her house after dark. ‘Hello, Jenny,’ said the neighbour. ‘Isn’t it time for little girls to be in bed?’ ‘How would I know?’ asked Jenny. ‘I haven’t got any little girls.’

Bed jokes

How can you shorten a bed? Don…

23 Aug , 2009  

How can you shorten a bed? Don’t sleep long in it.

Bed jokes

I’d love you to stay the night…

23 Aug , 2009  

I’d love you to stay the night, but I’m afraid you’ll have to make your own bed. Oh, that’s all right, I don’t mind at all.Right. Here’s a hammer, a saw, and some nails. The wood’s in the garage. I have four legs, but only one foot. What am I? A bed

Bed jokes

Three boys were sharing the sa…

23 Aug , 2009  

Three boys were sharing the same bed on holiday, but it was so crowded that one of them decided to sleep on the floor. After a while, one of his friends told him he might as well get in to bed again. There’s lots of room now,’ he said.

Bed jokes

I’d like to buy a bed, please….

23 Aug , 2009  

I’d like to buy a bed, please. Certainly, madam. Spring mattress?Oh, no! I want to be able to use it all year.

Bed jokes

You can’t have any more chocol…

23 Aug , 2009  

You can’t have any more chocolates tonight. It’s not good for you to go to bed on a full stomach. Oh, Mum. I promise I’ll lay on my side.

Bed jokes

What is the softest bed for a …

23 Aug , 2009  

What is the softest bed for a baby to sleep on? Cot-on-wool.

Bed jokes

Did you hear about the granny …

23 Aug , 2009  

Did you hear about the granny who plugged her electric blanket into the toaster by mistake? She spent the night popping out of bed.

Bed jokes

I was once in a play called Br…

23 Aug , 2009  

I was once in a play called Breakfast In Bed. Did you have a big role?No, just toast and marmalade.

Bed jokes

Why did the composer spend all…

23 Aug , 2009  

Why did the composer spend all his time in bed? He wrote sheet music.

Bed jokes

I don’t think my Mom knows muc…

23 Aug , 2009  

I don’t think my Mom knows much about children. Why do you say that? Because she always puts me to bed when I’m wide awake, and gets me up when I’m sleepy!