Funny Banana jokes - Page 3

Banana jokes

What did the boy banana say to…

22 Jul , 2009  

What did the boy banana say to the girl banana?”You have a lot of appeal.”

Banana jokes

What do you do if you see a bl…

22 Jul , 2009  

What do you do if you see a blue banana? Try to cheer it up.

Banana jokes

What is the easiest way to mak…

22 Jul , 2009  

What is the easiest way to make a banana split?Cut it in half.

Banana jokes

What’s yellow and writes? A ba…

22 Jul , 2009  

What’s yellow and writes? A ball-point banana.

Banana jokes

What is the difference between…

22 Jul , 2009  

What is the difference between a banana and a bell?You can only peel (peal) the banana once.

Banana jokes

Teacher: What is Ba + Na2? Pup…

22 Jul , 2009  

Teacher: What is Ba + Na2? Pupil: Banana.

Banana jokes

Why is a banana peel on the si…

22 Jul , 2009  

Why is a banana peel on the sidewalk like music?Because if you don’t C sharp you’ll B flat.

Banana jokes

How do you catch King Kong? Ha…

11 May , 2009  

How do you catch King Kong? Hang upside down and make a noise like a banana.

Banana jokes

Why are bananas never lonely? …

11 May , 2009  

Why are bananas never lonely? Because they hang around in bunches.

Banana jokes

Mandy: Our teacher went on a s…

11 May , 2009  

Mandy: Our teacher went on a special banana diet. Andy: Did she lose weight? Mandy: No, but she sure could climb trees well!

Banana jokes

Tom: What did the banana say t…

11 May , 2009  

Tom: What did the banana say to the elephant? Nick: I don’t know. Tom: Nothing. Bananas can’t talk.

Banana jokes

Time flies like an arrow, but …

11 May , 2009  

Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana.