A distraught mum rushed into the back yard, where eight-year-old Tommy was banging on the bottom of an old upturned tin bath with a poker. “What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded. “I’m just entertaining the baby,” explained Tommy. “Where is the baby?” asked his Mum. “Under the bath.”
Dewey and Odell met on the Brownsville main street. “Say,” said Dewey, “Ah hurd yew and yore wife is goin’ ta night school ta take Spanish lessons. How cum?” “Uh huh,” answered Odell. “We went and adopted us a little Mexican baby, and we wanna be able ta understand him when he gets old enough […]
Knock knock. Who’s there? Underwear. Underwear who? Underwear my baby is tonight?
A baby polar bear goes up to his dad and asks, “Dad, am I pure polar bear?” The dad replies, “Sure you are son. I’m all polar bear, my parents are all polar bear, your mom is all polar bear, and her parents are all polar bear.” Still unsure the baby polar bear goes to […]
Did you hear about the witch who had the ugliest baby in the world? She didn’t push the pram – she pulled it.
Knock knock. Who’s there? Baby Owl. Baby Owl who? Baby Owl see you later, baby not.