A baby polar bear goes up to his dad and asks, “Dad, am I pure polar bear?” The dad replies, “Sure you are son. I’m all polar bear, my parents are all polar bear, your mom is all polar bear, and her parents are all polar bear.” Still unsure the baby polar bear goes to […]
My new baby is the image of his father. Never mind. just so long as he’s healthy.
Would you rather have a baby brother or a baby sister? I’d much rather have a jelly baby.
Q: Where does a white baby go when it dies? A: Heaven Q: What does it get? A: Wings Q: What does it become? A: An angel Q: Where does a black baby go when it dies? A: Heaven Q: What does it get? A: Wings Q: What does it become? A: A Bat!
Fred: My mum’s having a new baby. Drew: What’s wrong with the old one?
Who is bigger – Mrs Bigger or Mrs Bigger’s baby? Mrs Bigger’s baby, because he’s a little Bigger.
Q: What’s brown and in a baby’s diaper? A: Michael Jackson’s hand !!
Do you like your new baby sister? She’s all right. Do you play with her? No, and we can’t even send her back because she’s been here more than 28 days.
Q: What’s pink and red and can’t turn round in a corridor? A: A baby with a javellin through its head.
What is a baby: A soft pink thing that makes a lot of noise at one end and has no sense of responsibility at the other.
Today I saw a baby who had put on five stone in weight in two weeks by drinking elephant’s milk. Whose baby was it? The elephant’s!