Funny Aardvark jokes - Page 4

Aardvark jokes

What did the aardvark say when…

8 Jul , 2009  

What did the aardvark say when he lost the race to the ant?If you can’t beat ’em, eat ’em!

Aardvark jokes

What has six legs, two arms, f…

8 Jul , 2009  

What has six legs, two arms, four eyes and a tail? A man holding an aardvark.

Aardvark jokes

Why was Easter the aardvark’s …

8 Jul , 2009  

Why was Easter the aardvark’s favorite holiday?Because he liked aard-boiled eggs!

Aardvark jokes

Who won the animal race?The gi…

8 Jul , 2009  

Who won the animal race?The giraffe and the aardvark were running neck and neck, but the aardvark won by a nose!

Aardvark jokes

A man wanted a new aardvark so…

8 Jul , 2009  

A man wanted a new aardvark so he looked through the classified ads. He phoned a number he found and an elderly lady answered. “How much are your aardvarks?” he asked. “They’re L6 each,” came the reply. “Did you raise them yourself?” inquired the man. “Oh yes,” she said, “Yesterday they were only L5 each.”

Aardvark jokes

What has 200 legs, 50 noses, a…

8 Jul , 2009  

What has 200 legs, 50 noses, and is very loud?A herd of stampeding aardvarks!

Aardvark jokes

Why does mama aardvark call he…

8 Jul , 2009  

Why does mama aardvark call her husband a cannibal?Because he ate his ant for dinner!

Aardvark jokes

How do you define an aardvark?…

8 Jul , 2009  

How do you define an aardvark?Aan aanimal that resembles an aanteater!

Aardvark jokes

Where does the aardvark family…

8 Jul , 2009  

Where does the aardvark family always come first?In the phone book!

Aardvark jokes

When is an aardvark jumpy?When…

8 Jul , 2009  

When is an aardvark jumpy?When he’s got ants in his pants!

Aardvark jokes

Which aardvark holds the speed…

8 Jul , 2009  

Which aardvark holds the speed record?The nearsighted aardvark, who wrapped his tongue around a motorcycle!

Aardvark jokes

What does the aardvark call hi…

11 May , 2009  

What does the aardvark call his dog?Aard-bark!