11 May , 2009
A movie producer is lying by the pool at the Beverly Hilton. His partner arrives in a great state of excitement. “How’d the meeting go?” asks the first guy.”It went great,” says his buddy. “Tarentino will write and direct for six million, Mel Gibson will star for eight, and we can bring in the whole […]
11 May , 2009
Why do mice have long tails ? Well, they’d look silly with long hair !
11 May , 2009
What kind of musical instrument do mice play ? A mouse organ !
11 May , 2009
What does a twelve-pound mouse say to a cat ? ‘Here Kitty, kitty, kitty’ !
11 May , 2009
One lab mouse to another:I’ve trained that crazy human at last. How have you done that? I don’t know how, but every time I run through that maze and ring the bell, he gives me a piece of cheese.
11 May , 2009
How did Frankenstein’s monster eat his lunch?He bolted it down.
11 May , 2009
What did one of Frankenstein’s ears say to the other? I didn’t know we lived on the same block.
11 May , 2009
Did you hear about the monster who went to a holiday camp? He won the ugly mug and knobbly knees competition and he wasn’t even entered.
11 May , 2009
Can I borrow that book of yours How To Become A Millionaire? Sure. Here you are. Thanks – but half the pages are missing. What’s the matter? Isn’t half a million enough for you?