What did the Gorilla do with the apple he was holding in his hands?He brought it to school and said, ‘An Ape-lle for the teacher!’
What do you get if you cross a jogger with an apple pie ?Puff pastry !
Why don’t apples smile when you go bobbing ?Because they’re crab apples !
What did the worm want to do when he grew up?He wanted to join the Apple Core (Corps).
Why did the farmer hang raincoats all over his orchard?Someone told him he should get an apple Mac
After a minor mathematical error on a routine report, a worker’s boss tried to belittle him in front of his peers. Angrily she asked, “If you had 4 apples and I asked for one, how many would you have left?” Quickly he replied, “If it was you who asked, I’d still have 4 apples.”
A Pittsburgh steel worker was driving through northern California’s apple country. He stopped at an orchard and asked the owner, “How much are yer apples?” “All you can pick for one dollar,” said the rancher. “Okay,” said the Pennsylvanian. “I’ll take two dollars’ worth.”