7 Sep , 2009
What has wings, a long tail, and wears a bow? A birthday pheasant!
7 Sep , 2009
What is an elf’s favourite kind of birthday cake? Shortcake!
7 Sep , 2009
What do they serve at birthday parties in heaven? Angel food cake, of course!
7 Sep , 2009
Why did the fat monster put a candle on his tummy? He was celebrating his girthday!
7 Sep , 2009
How can you tell if an elephant’s been to your birthday party? Look for his footprints in the ice cream.
7 Sep , 2009
Did you hear about the dancer’s birthday? It was a tappy one!
7 Sep , 2009
“I’m giving a ‘surprised’ birthday party for you.” “A ‘surprised’. birthday party? What’s that?” “That’s where I invite a bunch of your friends, and if any of them come, I’ll be surprised!”
7 Sep , 2009
Why won’t anyone eat the dogs birthday cake? Because he always slobbers out the candles!
7 Sep , 2009
Did you hear about the tree’s birthday? It was a sappy one!
7 Sep , 2009
“My birthday’s coming”Do you know what I need?” “Yeah, but how do you wrap a life?”
7 Sep , 2009
Did you hear about the flag’s birthday? It was a Happy one!
7 Sep , 2009
“Did you go shopping for my birthday present?” “Yeah, and I found the perfect thing.” “What thing is that?” “Nothing!”