My sister wanted to marry a man clever enough to make a lot of money but dumb enough to spend it on her !
How do you know if your little brother is turning into a fridge ?See if a little light come on whenever he opens his mouth !
Mother: Jared, get your little sister’s hat out of that puddle.Jared: I can’t mum, she’s got it strapped too tight under her chin!
A little demon came home from school one day and said to his mother, ‘I hate my sister’s guts.”All right,’ said his mother, ‘I won’t put them in your sandwiches again.’
Why did your sister jump out the window ?Because she wanted to try out her new spring suit
Teacher: What’s this a picture of ?Class: Don’t know, Miss.Teacher: It’s a kangaroo.Class: What’s a kangaroo, miss ?Teacher: A kangaroo is a native of Australia.Smallest boy: Wow, my sister’s married one of them
My sister is so dim she thinks that a cartoon is a song you sing in a car.
Doctor, Doctor! my sister thinks she’s an elevator.Tell her to come in.I can’t. She doesn’t stop at this floor.
Why does your sister have yeast and shoe polish for breakfast ? Because she wants to rise and shine.
Do you like my new baby sister ? The stalk bought her.Hmm, it looks as if the stalk dropped her on her head.