Short bad funny jokes - Page 602

Children jokes

A little kid is sitting on a p…

7 Sep , 2009  

A little kid is sitting on a park bench eating abag of chocolates an old man walking by stops to say that if he continues to eat like that he won`t live very long; indignantly the kid says ” oh yeah my grandfather lived to be 104 years old” the old man replies “i’m sure […]

Children jokes

An honest seven-year-old admit…

7 Sep , 2009  

An honest seven-year-old admitted calmly to her parents that Billy Brown had kissed her after class. “How did that happen?, ” gasped her mother. “It wasn’t easy,” admitted the young lady, “but three girls helped me catch him!”

Children jokes

Young Vestal was walking in hi…

7 Sep , 2009  

Young Vestal was walking in his Florida backyard when an alligator bit him. “Mama!” yelled the boy. “A gator jus’ bit off mah foot!” “Which one?” called his mother from inside the cabin. “How the hell should Ah know?!” he shrieked. “They all look alike to me!”

Children jokes

I had a funny dream last night…

7 Sep , 2009  

I had a funny dream last night, Mom. Did you? I dreamed I was awake, but when I woke up I found I was asleep.

Children jokes

A naughty child was irritating…

7 Sep , 2009  

A naughty child was irritating all the passengers on the flight from London to New York. At last one man could stand it no longer. “Hey kid,” he shouted. “Why don’t you go outside and play?”

Children jokes

Fred: Where does the new kid c…

7 Sep , 2009  

Fred: Where does the new kid come from? Harry: Alaska. Fred: Don’t bother – I’ll ask her myself.

Children jokes

Mother: Did you get a good pla…

7 Sep , 2009  

Mother: Did you get a good place in the geography test?Fred: Yes, Mum, I sat next to the cleverest kid in the class.

Children jokes

Boy: Grandma, do you know how …

7 Sep , 2009  

Boy: Grandma, do you know how to croak. Grandma: No, I don’t think so. Why? Boy: Because Daddy says he’ll be a rich man when you do.

Children jokes

“What were you before you came…

7 Sep , 2009  

“What were you before you came to school, boys and girls?” asked the teacher, hoping that someone would say “babies.” She was disappointed when all the children cried out, “Happy!”

Children jokes

Why was the mother flea feelin…

7 Sep , 2009  

Why was the mother flea feeling down in the dumps? Because she thought her children were all going to the dogs.

Children jokes

Why was the lightning bug unha…

7 Sep , 2009  

Why was the lightning bug unhappy?Because her children were not very bright.

Children jokes

Mrs Smith, the biology teacher…

7 Sep , 2009  

Mrs Smith, the biology teacher, was very fond of fish. She was also rather deaf, which was great for the children in her class. “What Mrs Smith needs,” said one of her colleagues, “is a herring-aid.”