Cow jokes
8 Sep , 2009
What do you call it when one bull spies on another bull? A steak-out!
What do you call it when cows do battle in outer space? Steer Wars.
What do you call explosive cow vomit?A cud missle!
What do you call a herd of cows in a psychiatrists office? An encownter group.
What do you call a cow who works for a gardener? A lawn moo-er.
What do you call a cow that’s just had a baby? De-calfinated!
What do you call a cow that fell in a hole? A hole-y Cow!
What do you call a cow that doesn’t give milk?A milk dud!
What do you call a tired cow? Milked out!
What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull-dozer.
What do you call a group of cattle sent into orbit? The first herd shot round the world!
What do you call a cow with no front legs? Lean Beef