Short bad funny jokes - Page 563

Cow jokes

Where do Danish cows come from…

8 Sep , 2009  

Where do Danish cows come from? Cowpenhagenf

Cow jokes

Where do cows like to ride on …

8 Sep , 2009  

Where do cows like to ride on trains?In the cow-boose.

Cow jokes

Where do cows like to live? St…

8 Sep , 2009  

Where do cows like to live? St. Moo-is.

Cow jokes

Where did the mooron take the …

8 Sep , 2009  

Where did the mooron take the baby cow to eat? To the calf-ateria!

Cow jokes

Where did the bull carry his s…

8 Sep , 2009  

Where did the bull carry his stock-market report? In his beef case!

Cow jokes

When is a farmer like a magici…

8 Sep , 2009  

When is a farmer like a magician?When he turns his cow into pasture.

Cow jokes

When a bull wants to listen to…

8 Sep , 2009  

When a bull wants to listen to a cassette, what does he put on his head? Steer phones!

Cow jokes

What’s a moo hoo for the sound…

8 Sep , 2009  

What’s a moo hoo for the sound you hear when a cow spits? A cud thud!

Cow jokes

What’s a moo hoo for grazing s…

8 Sep , 2009  

What’s a moo hoo for grazing school? Grass class!

Cow jokes

What’s a moo hoo for a young c…

8 Sep , 2009  

What’s a moo hoo for a young calf? A new moo!

Cow jokes

What’s a moo hoo for a tug-of-…

8 Sep , 2009  

What’s a moo hoo for a tug-of-war between two longhorns? A bull pull!

Cow jokes

What’s a moo hoo for a stuffed…

8 Sep , 2009  

What’s a moo hoo for a stuffed steer? A full bull!