Short bad funny jokes - Page 562

Cow jokes

Why did the farmer put his cow…

8 Sep , 2009  

Why did the farmer put his cow on the scales?He wanted to see how much the milky weighed!

Cow jokes

Why did the farmer put brandy …

8 Sep , 2009  

Why did the farmer put brandy in the cow’s food?He wanted to raised stewed beef!

Cow jokes

Why did the farmer fence in th…

8 Sep , 2009  

Why did the farmer fence in the bull? The farmer had too much of a steak in him to let him go!

Cow jokes

Why did the farmer feed money …

8 Sep , 2009  

Why did the farmer feed money to his cow? He wanted rich milk!

Cow jokes

Why did the cow jump over the …

8 Sep , 2009  

Why did the cow jump over the moon? To get to the Milky Way!

Cow jokes

Why did Bossy tell the cowpoke…

8 Sep , 2009  

Why did Bossy tell the cowpoke to leave her calf alone? She thought children should be seen and not herded!

Cow jokes

Why did Bossy slug Roy Rogers?…

8 Sep , 2009  

Why did Bossy slug Roy Rogers? She heard he was a cowpuncher!

Cow jokes

Why couldn’t the cow leave the…

8 Sep , 2009  

Why couldn’t the cow leave the farm? She was pasteurized!

Cow jokes

Why are cpws made for dancing?…

8 Sep , 2009  

Why are cpws made for dancing? They’re all born hoofers!

Cow jokes

Where do steers go to dance? T…

8 Sep , 2009  

Where do steers go to dance? To the Meat Ball!

Cow jokes

Where do Russian cows come fro…

8 Sep , 2009  

Where do Russian cows come from? Moscow!

Cow jokes

Where do milk shakes come from…

8 Sep , 2009  

Where do milk shakes come from?Nervous cows!