Short bad funny jokes - Page 498

Doctor and nurse jokes

How many nurses does it take t…

8 Sep , 2009  

How many nurses does it take to change a light bulb?None, they just have a nursing assistant do it.As much as the doctor orders.

Doctor and nurse jokes

Did you hear about the nurse w…

8 Sep , 2009  

Did you hear about the nurse who died and went straight to hell?It took her two weeks to realize that she wasn’t at work anymore!

Doctor and nurse jokes

Why did the nurse always insis…

8 Sep , 2009  

Why did the nurse always insist on using the rectal thermometer to obtain temperatures?Because nurses are taught in nursing school to always look for her patient’s best side.

Doctor and nurse jokes

The nurse who can smile when t…

8 Sep , 2009  

The nurse who can smile when things go wrong is probably going off duty.

Doctor and nurse jokes

A doctor is going round the wa…

8 Sep , 2009  

A doctor is going round the ward with a nurse and they come to the first bed where the chap is laying half dead.”Did you give this man two tablets every eight hours?” asks the doctor.”Oh, no,” replies the nurse, “I gave him eight tablets every two hours!”At the next bed the next patient also […]

Doctor and nurse jokes

A nurse was showing some stude…

8 Sep , 2009  

A nurse was showing some student nurses through the hospital. “This will be the most hazardous section in the hospital for you. The men on this floor are almost well.”

Doctor and nurse jokes

What’s the difference between …

8 Sep , 2009  

What’s the difference between a nurse and a nun? A nun only serves one God.

Doctor and nurse jokes

Interns think of God, resident…

8 Sep , 2009  

Interns think of God, residents pray to God, doctors talk to God, nurses ARE God.

Doctor and nurse jokes

Three nurses went to heaven, a…

8 Sep , 2009  

Three nurses went to heaven, and were awaiting their turn with St. Peter to plead their case to enter the pearly gates.The first nurse said, “I worked in an emergency room. We tried our best to help patients, even though occasionally we did lose one. I think I deserve to go to heaven.” St. Peter […]

Doctor and nurse jokes

Doctor: Did you take the patie…

8 Sep , 2009  

Doctor: Did you take the patient’s temperature?Nurse: No. Is it missing?

Doctor and nurse jokes

A doctor and a nurse were call…

8 Sep , 2009  

A doctor and a nurse were called to the scene of an accident.Doctor: We need to get these people to a hospital now!Nurse: What is it?Doctor: It’s a big building with a lot of doctors, but that’s not important now!

Doctor and nurse jokes

Nurse: Doctor, there is a man …

8 Sep , 2009  

Nurse: Doctor, there is a man in the waiting room with a glass eye named Brown.Doctor: What does he call his other eye?