Teacher:”To which family does the elephant belong ?”Pupil:”I don’t know, nobody I know owns one !”
Why do elephants do well in school ?Because they have a lot of grey matter !
Bill:”My homework is really difficult tonight, I’ve to write an essay on an elephant.”?Bert:”Well, for a start your going to need a big ladder..”
Why are elephants large, grey and wrinkly?Because if they were small round and white, they would be aspirins.
How do you know that peanuts are fattening ?Have you ever seen a skinny elephant ?
When should you feed milk to a baby elephant ?When it’s a baby elephant !
Have you heard about the elephant that went on a crash diet ?He wrecked three cars, a bus and two fire engines !
Why do elephants eat raw food ?Because they don’t know how to cook !
Why are elephants wiser than chickens ?Have you ever heard of Kentucky Fried Elephant ?!
How can you tell if there is an elephant in your dessert ?You get very lumpy ice cream !