How did your mom know you hadn’t washed your face?I forgot to wet the soap.
First Witch: I like your toad. He always has such a nice expression on his face. Second Witch: It’s because he’s a hoptimist.
You can read his mind in his face. Yes, it’s usually a complete blank.
Fred: Do you like my new hairstyle?Harry: In as much as it covers most of your face, yes.
Patient: The trouble is, doctor, I keep pulling ugly faces. Doctor: Don’t worry, I don’t expect anyone will notice.
Wife to Husband: I’ll have you know I’ve got the face of a teenager! Husband to Wife: Then you should give it back, you’re wearing it out.
Fred: Your sister uses too much make-up. Harry: Do you think so? Fred: Yes. It’s so thick that if you tell her a joke, five minutes after she’s stopped laughing her face is still smiling!
Did you hear about the witch who was so ugly that when a tear rolls down her cheek it takes one look at her face and rolls straight up again?
Two boys were watching TV when the fabulous face and figure of Pamela Anderson appeared on the screen. “if I ever stop hating girls,” said one to the other, “I think I’ll stop hating her first.”
Why do elephants squirt water through their noses?If they squirted it through their tails, it’d be very difficult to aim.