Three firefighters went out on a hunting trip. There was a rookie, a captain, and a chief. The weather wasmisrable and they hadn’t seen any deer all day. They came across an old shack where they went inside to playa game of poker. After loosing a couple of hands, the rookie threw down his cards […]
Q: Why don’t Deputy Fire Marshals look out the window in the morning? A: So they have something to do in the afternoon.
Q: Have you seen the polish mine detector.A1: Put you fingers in your ears and start stamping the ground with your foot.
Q: What do you call an Inibrian who has been buried for 1000 years? A: Peat!!!
Q: Have you heard about the new Iraqi Air Force exercise program?A: Each morning you raise your hands above your head and leave them there.
Do you know why Eskimos always do their laundry in tide?Because it’s too cold out-tide!
Q: Why do Greek men wear gold neck chains?A: So they know where to stop shaving.
What did the Eskimo schoolboy say to the Eskimo schoolgirl? What’s an ice girl like you doing in a place like this?
What did the Eskimo children sing when their principal was leaving? Freeze a Jolly Good Fellow.
Q: Why do Polish names end in “ski” ?A: Because they can’t spell tobbagan.
At the Russian War College, the general is a guest lecturer and tells the class of officers that the session will focus on potential problems and the resulting strategies. One of the officers in the class begins by asking the first question, “Will we have to fight a World War Three?” “Yes, comrades, looks like […]