Short bad funny jokes - Page 437

Firefighter jokes

Q.How can you tell when a Chic…

17 Sep , 2009  

Q.How can you tell when a Chicago Fireman is dead? A. The remote control slips from his hand.

Firefighter jokes

When the employees of a restau…

17 Sep , 2009  

When the employees of a restaurant attended a fire safety seminar, they watched a fire official demonstrate theproper way to operate an extinguisher. “Pull the pin like a hand grenade,” he explained, “then depress the triggerto release the foam.” Later an employee was selected to extinguish a controlled fire in the parking lot. In her […]

Firefighter jokes

There was a huge fire at a big…

17 Sep , 2009  

There was a huge fire at a big city soda factory. The city company was losing ground and the owner wasfrantic. He told the fire department that he needed a secret formula in the safe that was in the center of theblaze, and he would give 10,000 dollars to the department that got the formula. […]

Firefighter jokes

One day a boy was drowning in …

17 Sep , 2009  

One day a boy was drowning in a near by lake. A firefighter swam out and pulled the boy up onto the beachand began CPR. A crowed watched as the firefighter frantically pumped on the boys chest. With greatamazement water was pooring from the boys mouth. Each time the firefighter pumped more water came out.A […]

Firefighter jokes

Q.What do you get when you cro…

17 Sep , 2009  

Q.What do you get when you cross a Fire Chief two Lotus Notes Gurus ? A. FireWeb …. of course!

Firefighter jokes

If – H 2 O – is on the inside …

17 Sep , 2009  

If – H 2 O – is on the inside of a fire hydrant, what is on the outside? K 9 P

Firefighter jokes

Q. What does CHAOS stand for? …

17 Sep , 2009  

Q. What does CHAOS stand for? A.The Chiefs Have Arrived On Scene.

Firefighter jokes

Seems the Shah of Iran was vis…

17 Sep , 2009  

Seems the Shah of Iran was visiting Disneyland with his young son. The son seemed to be having a good timebut had that look that something else was on his mind. The Shah asked, “What do you really want, Son?” TheSon said, “A Mickey Mouse Outfit.” With that, the Shaw went out and bought him […]

Firefighter jokes

A fire chief died and went to …

17 Sep , 2009  

A fire chief died and went to heaven. When he got there he saw a long line waiting to get in to the pearly gates.He told himself, “I’m a fire chief, I’m not going to wait in line.” He went to the angels guarding the gates and said, “Let me in. I’m a fire chief.” […]

Firefighter jokes

A fireman and policeman died a…

17 Sep , 2009  

A fireman and policeman died and both went to heaven where they were issued their wings with the warningthat if they had even one bad thought their wings would fall off. Well, everything went well for some time thenone day they passed a very attractive and well put together young lady. As the fireman turned […]

Firefighter jokes

Q: Did you know that the three…

17 Sep , 2009  

Q: Did you know that the three wise men were firemen?A: It says they came from afir (a fire, a far).

Firefighter jokes

here were these 3 Riverside Ci…

17 Sep , 2009  

here were these 3 Riverside City Firemen who always went bird hunting together and they always rented ahunting dog name Rex from a local farmer. Rex was a great dog and would always hold point and find anybirds they shoot. One year they did’t go hunting and the farmer rented Rex out to some Corona […]