Short bad funny jokes - Page 435

Farmer jokes

A man is driving down a countr…

17 Sep , 2009  

A man is driving down a country road, when he spots a farmer standing in the middle of a huge field of grass. He pulls the car over to the side of the road and notices that the farmer is just standing there, doing nothing, looking at nothing.The man gets out of the car, walks […]

Farmer jokes

Howard County Police officers …

17 Sep , 2009  

Howard County Police officers still write their reports by hand, and the data is entered later by a computer tech into their database. One theft report stated that a farmer had lost 2,025 pigs. Thinking that to be an error, the tech called the farmer directly.”Is it true Mr. (Smith) that you lost 2,025 pigs?” […]

Farmer jokes

An aged farmer and his wife we…

17 Sep , 2009  

An aged farmer and his wife were leaning against the edge of their pig-pen when the old woman wistfully recalled that the next week would mark their golden wedding anniversary.”Let’s have a party, Homer,” she suggested. “Let’s kill a pig.”The farmer scratched his grizzled head. “Gee, Ethel,” he finally answered, “I don’t see why the […]

Farmer jokes

A lone tourist who is passing …

17 Sep , 2009  

A lone tourist who is passing through the suburbs on the way to town by car, unfortunately experiences mechanical problems with the automobile. The car stalls and the tourist parks the car by the side of the road and waits for help. Not much later, a farmer happens to pass by with a truck full […]

Farmer jokes

Seems a guy was driving for ho…

17 Sep , 2009  

Seems a guy was driving for hours thu desolate country when he passed a farmhouse, and before he could react, a cat ran out in front of him and*splat*… he flattened the cat. Out of kindness and consideration, he stopped, turned around and drove back to the farmhouse to notify the occupants. When the housewife […]

Firefighter jokes

Q: What word begins with the l…

17 Sep , 2009  

Q: What word begins with the letter “F” and ends in “UCK”?A: FIRETRUCK.

Firefighter jokes

Q. A fireman had two sons. Wha…

17 Sep , 2009  

Q. A fireman had two sons. What did he name them?A. Hosea and Hoseb

Firefighter jokes

The Volunteer Fire Chief in a …

17 Sep , 2009  

The Volunteer Fire Chief in a small town had just been buried. The last words of the service over, his friends and family started toward their cars.However, they stopped because a strange, eerie sound suddenly was heard from the grave.As the guests looked around, a colleague of the deceased said, “Don’t worry… it’s just the […]

Firefighter jokes

A firefighter died and went to…

17 Sep , 2009  

A firefighter died and went to hell where he finds a wall of clocks.After seeing all these clocks on a wall, with his friends names under them, he asked the devil, what the clocks mean?”That’s easy, each time one of your friends mess up on earth, their clock speeds up one hour.” says the devil.”I […]

Firefighter jokes

When the employees of a restau…

17 Sep , 2009  

When the employees of a restaurant attended a fire safety seminar, they watched a fire official demonstrate the proper way to operate an extinguisher. “Pull the pin like a hand grenade,” he explained, “then depress the trigger to release the foam.”Later an employee was selected to extinguish a controlled fire in the parking lot. In […]

Firefighter jokes

Q. What does CHAOS stand for?A…

17 Sep , 2009  

Q. What does CHAOS stand for?A. The Chiefs Have Arrived On Scene.

Firefighter jokes

During a big fire downtown the…

17 Sep , 2009  

During a big fire downtown the firemen were having a bit of trouble. A woman was stuck on the fourth floor with her baby. The fire fighters instructed her to toss the child out the window, under which they had placed a net, but the mother refused. Things looked grim until a tall, well-built black […]