Short bad funny jokes - Page 415

Food jokes

What do you call two rows of c…

28 Sep , 2009  

What do you call two rows of cabbages ?A dual cabbageway !

Food jokes

Fred! What did I say I’d do if…

28 Sep , 2009  

Fred! What did I say I’d do if I found you with your fingers in the butter again? That’s funny, Mom. I can’t remember either.

Food jokes

Fred wrote in her homework boo…

28 Sep , 2009  

Fred wrote in her homework book: Margarine is butter made from imitation cows.

Food jokes

And what’s your name?” the sec…

28 Sep , 2009  

And what’s your name?” the secretary asked the next new boy. “Butter.” “I hope your first name’s not Roland,” smirked the secretary. “No, ma’am. It’s Brendan.”

Food jokes

How do you know that a elephan…

28 Sep , 2009  

How do you know that a elephant’s been in the fridge? There are foot prints in the butter. “

Food jokes

What do cannibals eat for brea…

28 Sep , 2009  

What do cannibals eat for breakfast?Buttered host.

Food jokes

Two flies were on a cornflakes…

28 Sep , 2009  

Two flies were on a cornflakes packet. “Why are we running so fast?” asked one. “Because,” said the second, “it says ‘tear along the dotted line’!”

Food jokes

Two flies were on a cornflakes…

28 Sep , 2009  

Two flies were on a cornflakes packet. “Why are we running so fast?” asked one. “Because,” said the second, “it says ‘tear along the dotted line’!”

Food jokes

What looks just like half a lo…

28 Sep , 2009  

What looks just like half a loaf of bread? Its other half.

Food jokes

Why can’t you make bread like …

28 Sep , 2009  

Why can’t you make bread like my mother? I would if you could make dough like your father!

Food jokes

Have you heard the story about…

28 Sep , 2009  

Have you heard the story about the loaf of bread? No. Oh, crumbs.

Food jokes

They say she has a sharp tongu…

28 Sep , 2009  

They say she has a sharp tongue. Yes, she can slice bread with it.