Short bad funny jokes - Page 407

Frog jokes

How did the toad die ? He simp…

5 Oct , 2009  

How did the toad die ? He simply croaked !

Frog jokes

What do you call a girl with a…

5 Oct , 2009  

What do you call a girl with a frog in her hair ? Lily !

Frog jokes

What do you call a frog spy ? …

5 Oct , 2009  

What do you call a frog spy ? A croak and dagger agent !

Frog jokes

What’s a toads favourite sweet…

5 Oct , 2009  

What’s a toads favourite sweet ? Lollihops !

Frog jokes

What do you get if cross a fro…

5 Oct , 2009  

What do you get if cross a frog with some mist ? Kermit the Fog !

Frog jokes

What do you call a 100 year ol…

5 Oct , 2009  

What do you call a 100 year old frog ? An old croak !

Frog jokes

Where do frogs keep their trea…

5 Oct , 2009  

Where do frogs keep their treasure ? In a croak of gold at the end of the rainbow !

Frog jokes

What do frogs drink ? Hot croa…

5 Oct , 2009  

What do frogs drink ? Hot croako !

Frog jokes

What do toads drink ? Croaka-c…

5 Oct , 2009  

What do toads drink ? Croaka-cola !

Frog jokes

Why is a frog luckier than a c…

5 Oct , 2009  

Why is a frog luckier than a cat ? Because a frog croaks all the time but a cat only gets to croak nine times !

Frog jokes

Why doesn’t Kermit the Frog li…

5 Oct , 2009  

Why doesn’t Kermit the Frog like elephants ? They always want to play leap frog with him

Frog jokes

What do you call the English T…

5 Oct , 2009  

What do you call the English Toad Prize giving cermony ? The Brit Awarts !