Short bad funny jokes - Page 398

Gorilla jokes

What do they feed a gorilla wh…

13 Oct , 2009  

What do they feed a gorilla when he goes to Paris?Ape Suzettes!

Gorilla jokes

What did the great Ape shout t…

13 Oct , 2009  

What did the great Ape shout to the pilots who tried to shoot him off the skyscraper?Listen, hotshots, don’t monkey around with me!

Gorilla jokes

What did the great Ape say as …

13 Oct , 2009  

What did the great Ape say as he plummeted from the skyscraper?Listen baby, I think I’m falling for you!

Gorilla jokes

What did the Gorilla do when h…

13 Oct , 2009  

What did the Gorilla do when he saw the sign, ‘Clean Washroom’?He cleaned it!

Gorilla jokes

What did the Gorilla call his …

13 Oct , 2009  

What did the Gorilla call his first wife?His prime-mate!

Gorilla jokes

What did Mrs Revere say when P…

13 Oct , 2009  

What did Mrs Revere say when Paul got on a gorilla to warn the farmers that the British were coming?Paul, stop monkeying around!

Gorilla jokes

What did George Washington hav…

13 Oct , 2009  

What did George Washington have to do with Gorillas?As little as possible, dummy!

Gorilla jokes

If you throw a great Ape into …

13 Oct , 2009  

If you throw a great Ape into one of the Great Lakes, what will it become?Wet!

Gorilla jokes

If you put 30 female Apes and …

13 Oct , 2009  

If you put 30 female Apes and 30 male Apes in a bedroom, what do you have?A very large bedroom.

Gorilla jokes

If George Raft’s wife gave bir…

13 Oct , 2009  

If George Raft’s wife gave birth to twin Gorillas, would they be the Apes of Raft?

Gorilla jokes

How does a Gorilla become anot…

13 Oct , 2009  

How does a Gorilla become another animal?When a Mafia don hires a ‘big Gorilla’ to be his bodyguard and the big Ape goes to the cops and turns into a stool pigeon!

Gorilla jokes

How do you stop a thundering h…

13 Oct , 2009  

How do you stop a thundering herd of Apes?Hold up your arm and say ‘Go back, you didn’t say ‘May I?”