Short bad funny jokes - Page 397

Gorilla jokes

What would happen if you cross…

13 Oct , 2009  

What would happen if you crossed Magilla Gorilla with a Saint Bernard?It would drink the brandy it would carry and act like a big Gorilla!

Gorilla jokes

What political party entices m…

13 Oct , 2009  

What political party entices most Gorillas?The Treepublican Party!

Gorilla jokes

What is the Ape monster’s name…

13 Oct , 2009  

What is the Ape monster’s name?Godzilla Gorilla!

Gorilla jokes

What happens when you throw on…

13 Oct , 2009  

What happens when you throw one banana to two hungry Apes?A banana split!

Gorilla jokes

What happens if you cross an A…

13 Oct , 2009  

What happens if you cross an Ape with an octopus?You get a fur coat with lots of sleeves!

Gorilla jokes

What happens if you cross a pa…

13 Oct , 2009  

What happens if you cross a parrot with a Gorilla?Nobody is sure, but if it opened its mouth to speak, you’d listen!

Gorilla jokes

What happened when the Ape won…

13 Oct , 2009  

What happened when the Ape won the door prize?He didn’t take it – he already had a door!

Gorilla jokes

What gives a gorilla good tast…

13 Oct , 2009  

What gives a gorilla good taste?Four years in an Ivy League school!

Gorilla jokes

What excuse does an Ape give f…

13 Oct , 2009  

What excuse does an Ape give for abducting a pretty girl?I can’t help it – she brings out the beast in me!

Gorilla jokes

What does a Gorilla learn firs…

13 Oct , 2009  

What does a Gorilla learn first in school?The Apey-cees!

Gorilla jokes

What does a Gorilla attorney s…

13 Oct , 2009  

What does a Gorilla attorney study?The Law of the jungle!

Gorilla jokes

What do you feed a 600 pound G…

13 Oct , 2009  

What do you feed a 600 pound Gorilla?Anything it wants!